HM Queen Elizabeth II Visits Udaipur in 1961

Mehta (‪#‎Bachhawat) Udailal (1895-1963) was also among the Umraos and Nobles who were introduced to the Queen at ‪#‎ShivNiwas Palace. After Independence, he was President of Mewar Oswal Samaj, until his death in 1963. He also served as Hakim Jahazpur from 1930-35 and was the last Bachhawat Mehta Hakim of Jahazpur.

Udailal was the younger son of Mehta Fatehlal but was adopted in 1909 by his uncle (Kaka) Mehta Takhat Singh, as he did not have any male child. He passed First Arts (FA) Examination (Intermediate) from Allahabad and was appointed as Hakim of Rashmi at Rs 150 per month. In view of examplary services rendered by him, he was granted ‘Ghoda-balna’ – a special privilege by Maharana, wherein a horse along with fodder and care-taker (sayis) expenses is borne by the state.

In 1899, there was a great famine, wherein lakhs of people died, over Rs 30,000 were spent on relief. New lakes were constructed. Yet there were plenty of complaints of mismanagement in relief work. Thousands of animals died in famine and bullocks had to be imported for ploughing the fields. Typhoid and other diseases were rampant in the state. Mehta Udailal, the younger son of Mehta Fatehlal, also suffered from small-pox (choti-mata).

4 thoughts on “HM Queen Elizabeth II Visits Udaipur in 1961

  1. sir i am looking for more pictures of queens visit 1961
    as my grandfather was also there (Major Manmath singh ji pansal)

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