Open letter to My Wife on Our Wedding Anniversary

My love……….. ,

I have never addressed you by your name or any other name so far… so shall continue this tradition even today. I don’t think I have expressed my appreciation to you often enough for having given me so many happy years, so I’ve decided to write this open letter – an anniversary card just doesn’t say enough. This way I can sit down and gather my thoughts together and present them to you with a small token of my love.

We haven’t been to too many theatres or movies in the past, but don’t think that either one of us minded too much, as our kids always seemed to provide enough entertainment of their own. Though I never admired your parenting skills through the years, I still don’t know how you did everything so well, even from the beginning – our little ones certainly didn’t come with a manual of how to raise children. Today, after 39 years, I have learnt from Swati Lodha, that it is parents who have to raise themselves first… Haha..!

I will always be grateful for the help you gave me, too, when I started to get a little heavy-handed with them. I benefited from your guidance and motherly skills almost as much as the children did. Now that they have all left the nest, we can be glad that none of them have any (major) complaints about their childhood years–at least not yet. For the moment, anyway, we can wipe our forehead in relief and turn our attention back to each other and our well-earned freedoms, as our granddaughter Ayrra of Pracchi and Amrish fame is now 5 and can manage most by herself… and till Nakuul and Jankee have a baby.

I want to assure you that the passing years have not diminished my love for you in the least. Instead, my love has only deepened with time because it always gives me more opportunities to appreciate how you successfully manage every new challenge that confronts us. Taking care of Papa (my father-in-law) for time being is a blessing in disguise, as my mother left very early and father too left over 25 years ago. Wish Papa could stay with us forever..!

Please don’t ever be complacent with your a black hair here or a silky smooth skin there, my Dear. You can hide but can’t run away for a long. Although you are as beautiful to me as ever, I also admire your inner beauty, which merely intensifies with the passing years.

I still cannot fathom the meaning of all those songs that talk about endless love. I think they are just poetic expressions, after all. I believe that a love that has endured this earthly test can never end. I swore to love you for time and all eternity and I will happily do that, my Love. I am so grateful that you continue to love me, too – despite my failures and shortcomings. Thank you for always being there and helping me to be all that I can be.

Happy thirty-ninth Anniversary.. to my Kanwaranisa..!

Yours ever loving,

Pratap Singh Mehta


38 thoughts on “Open letter to My Wife on Our Wedding Anniversary

  1. It’s been nearly 6 months but even today i m always reading this as my time whenever i m feeling low i used to read ths it ll boost my mind my papa n ma got divorced before 10 years back my faith on marriage n love faded away due to ths i rejected many love n marriage proposals but after i saw ur letter my opinion on love n marriage change completely i wish my future husband ll also b lke u …Thnks…love the way u expressed …

    1. Thank you so much Noorjahan… wish you find your dream partner. Life is all about giving and NOT asking. Some people also put it up as adjustment or sacrifice. However, I believe that choosing the right word makes all the difference in your actions and eventually destiny. So happiness is all about GIVING… ! ART of living… A – Acceptance; R – Responsibility; T – Tolerance…!

  2. Awsme one Uncle♡ It truly inspires cz not only we should love and respect our relationships wid people but we should also love and respect our relationship with our dreams, our hopes, our soul, our true innerself, cz if we cannot do it with our own selves first we cannot do it for others either. Inspiration taken for life, thank you from,
    A Happy Single soul..♡

      1. My pleasure uncle.. I wish I could meet you once in my life and I really love your Tadibaaaz son NakuulMehta alot He is simply the best in TV industry, plz convey my love to him

  3. Sir,this open letter of yours fills me with faith in love and marriage.Its a general belief that love ends after marriage nd life becomes dull nd boring.however i feel that love nd affection can be revived till we last only by trust,faith nd newness in a relationship.Do not miss any chance to express your affection.Express as i say makes life better.’Thankyou for sharing this beautiful letter of yours nd setting a living nd true example of my thoughts.Happiest 39th to the lovely couple nd cheers tomore years of love and trust ahead!:)Also ur son’s a great actor’ 😉

  4. Beautiful adorable is indomitable wave that can’t be expressed in words. You presented it with such brilliance and magical words. Happy wedding anniversary Mr. & Mrs. Mehta. Your love intensifies with each passing year of togetherness.May your love lasts forever.

  5. It’s a sweet romantic gesture to honour your better half…. A simple heart to heart message…. Wishing you many more years of togetherness…

  6. This letter is an eye opener that love exists not only fairy tale but in real life too. Sir your letter proves that compassionate and genuine love is endless in our lives..Thank you for penning down this beautiful letter..Happy Anniversary to you both wonderful couple and may your family have life filled with felicity Sir

  7. Happy Anniversary to u both Sir.Very very beautifully pen down.True love all the way and above all how romantic.No wonder your son has it in him .
    Regards and best wishes.

  8. very beautiful letter sir…..hope i will to get a life like u … that i will also write a letter to my someone special…

  9. Happy anniversary sir. Thankyou for writing this. You made me believe that love exists. Thankyou once again. You both are couple goals. God bless you and your lovely family.

  10. Wish you both a happy wedding anniversary!!! Shared the open letter with my husband as it was so nice to read…also we both will now concentrate on “raising ourselves first” as looking around we often get confused which parenting style to adopt for our only child Ishika who is 8years old. Thanks for inspiring us to be a “better” couple and a “better” parent too.

  11. This message really Touched My Heart. Aunty is very lucky to have you by her side forever. :’) And Looking at your marriage and seeing
    your boundless love, I believe that
    marriages are made in heaven.
    Happy 39th Anniversary ~
    ♥ Uncle and Aunty ♥

  12. Happy marriage anniversary sir….may u both always love each other in the same way. I have never seen such an honest and sweet letter given to anyone in my life , not even in my own family. But it feels so nice and relieving at the same time to know that such a love still exists and is appreciated…..may u forever love and be loved.

  13. It’s a great piece of inspiration for all of us that if we want to we can shape our relation the way we want to merely with love n care amongst us n no other force in the world can mar the trust n understanding that our relation holds over each passing day spent with each other
    Remarkably well crafted sir
    Love exists n stories like yours make ya believe deeper in it
    Stay in love always
    Happy anniversary

  14. That is such a sweet message… Now i get from where does Nakuul has got his romantic traits..

  15. Just very sweet and a perfect expression of true love.No drama just genuinity.Happy Anniversary to you both.

  16. Overwhelming! I’ve just realized tht real life can be much more romantic than fictionate one….a relationship can be beautiful as ever if u just give it what is its want- time and affection…being eachothers’ mirror is not a easy task…but evidently it is not impossible….regards

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