What is law of Karma?

What is law of Karma? Do we know that the fruit of the karma depends on our intention? The word karma has been given many negative meanings. In common language, most people almost always relate it to suffering, but the simplest meaning of karma is action. Newton’s Third Law of Physics (every action has an […]

What are the two constituents of governance?

What are the two constituents of governance? Learn from Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta Pradhan Mehta Pannalal recalls in his Swa-Jeewani (Autobiography) an incident about Jani Biharilal, the tutor, guardian and mentor of Maharana Sajjan Singh, as how he tutored young Maharaj Kumar.” जानी बिहारीलाल , शिक्षक, अभिभावक और महाराजकुमार  सज्जन सिंह के संरक्षक, कहते हैं : […]

How often we allow ourselves to be a Puppet?

Don’t you react and get upset when instigated? A very common example of the above negative energy, in personal and non-personal relationships, is when someone gets angry with you and manages to make you react and get upset, they manage to dominate you. It reminds me of an incident from Rajputana Chronicles: Guns & Glories, […]