How much is the power of Gratitude?

As a behavioural coach, one of my pet topics to talk about is GRATITUDE. One specific problem that gratitude addresses is employee engagement. As I speak to corporate leaders, they would tell me that they want to increase the engagement levels of their employees, and eventually increase their productivity. In my years of experience in […]

What is the purpose of your life?

Some people who have come here may not have purpose in life. However, many have purpose and are already successful and excel in what they are doing. Yes or No? Anyone who doesn’t have a house?… Anyone who has not been on vacations?… Imagine 75% of people on this earth do not have these privileges. […]

How do I make Meditation my Habit?

For years I tried to make myself meditate every day and I always failed miserably. Despite knowing about all the wonderful benefits of meditation, I was always too busy, too tired, or I simply didn’t know where to start. And when I did start, I quickly got bored and unmotivated; I disliked all the guided meditations I […]

How powerful are your thoughts?

Don’t Label People, Give Respect When you meet someone even briefly – the relative, the co-passenger, the neighbour, or anyone for that matter – do you make conclusions about them? Do you categorically label the person as being either calm, arrogant, not good enough, skinny, dishonest, wise and so on? Sometimes, even our own children […]

What if I want good relationship?

 Why someone is not behaving with me as I would wish? Happy parenting..! Very importantly, relationships are also connected with ‘attitude’ (रवैया) and ‘vision’ (नज़रिया). Sometimes, I may feel I have said and done the right things to someone, yet still someone is not behaving towards me as I would wish. At such times I […]

Myth and Truth about Vipassana – My Experiences

Recently I attended a 10-day Vipassana course at Dhamma Pattana, Global Vipassana Foundation at Gorai in Mumbai from 7 to 17 May 2019. Myth: Vipassana is all about maintaining total silence, which includes verbal, written, eye contact and gestures or say not communicating in any way. Truth: Vipassana teaches you to know yourself, experientially. Which […]

Why the Captain went down with his ship?

The 9th December is imprinted on my mind like a scar. On the dark scary night of 9th December 1971, we were off Diu Head on petrol to watch out for any Pakistani vessel or submarine trying to sneak towards Mumbai and west coast of India. The sea was calm and there was a chill in […]